Friday, 14 October 2011

Bulk emailing PDF documents from SYSPRO using alternative Email Addresses

By the time you've added up the cost of paper & ink, the cost of labour to stuff an envelope and the cost of postage, each business document can cost well in excess of £1.50 to send to a Customer or Supplier. Switching to paperless communication is crucial to help save money and the environment.

Using the Office Automation module, SYSPRO makes it easy to email certain documents in the form of a Word attachment. Once set up you can simply click the Email button to send an Order Acknowledgement, Purchase Order etc directly from the Print Preview screen.

Using SRS in conjunction with Office Automation, not only can you send attachments as PDFs for better security, you can also bulk email certain documents, such as Statements and Invoices, to the email address held against the Customer or Supplier.

All this is fine, but what if you need to send different documents to different people within an organisation, something that SYSPRO simply cannot do?

We have developed a routine that identifies the document type (e.g. Invoice, Order Acknowledgement, Statement etc), looks up the alternative email address (held as a Custom Form field in SYSPRO) then sends the message to the correct address. The script can also save the PDF attachment to a folder on the network and delete or move the redundant emails if required.

200 AR Statements, 200 Order Acknowledgements, 100 Invoices and 200 Purchase Orders could be costing you over £1000 per month.

(Please note, you'll need Office Automation, SRS, Outlook & SQL or ODBC for this to work).

If you'd like any more details, please get in touch.

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